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Intimidator Group Hosts Family Day Celebration

On Saturday, July 13, Intimidator Division employees and their families were invited to a pool party at theBatesville Community Center and Aquatics Park, where the crew was treated to an evening filled with water activities, prizes, Baggo, good food, and live music.
Upon arrival, employees were greeted with gifts of pool totes containing Spartan sunglasses, event-branded stadium cups and beach balls, and beach towels customized with this year’s “Under theSea” theme. While guests dined on fried fish and chicken with all the trimmings, they enjoyed entertainment provided by the local duo, the Natural Disasters.
Highlights of the evening included three “real” mermaids and a cannonball/bellyflop contest. After several tie breakers, cannonball winners in three age divisions were presented gold,silver, and bronze medals, while the top score in the bellyflop contest received a champion’s trophy.
In addition to the numerous door prizes, two winners were awarded prizes for the adult and children’sdivisions of the costume contest, and a trivia winner was selected from employees who scored one hundred percent on the “Under the Sea” quiz sent out prior to the event. An “Under the Sea” Spotify Playlist was also shared with employees and social media followers to use at pool parties and trips to the beach!
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